Rick van der Velden
Partner - Tax Adviser
Rick van der Velden, tax adviser, is a member of the Family Owned Business & Private Wealth practice group in our Rotterdam office.

Rick focuses on mergers & divisions, UBO-register and family owned businesses. Rick specialises in the advising of Dutch and family-owned businesses, including their shareholders, on Dutch corporate income tax and personal income tax matters. Rick has a broad experience in the tax aspects of mergers and divisions, financing between affiliated parties and the UBO-register. He regularly publishes on these topics.
Rick is a member of the Dutch Association for Tax advisers (NOB) since 2009 and as of 2018 he also teaches within this Association.
Work highlights
06-11-2024Well prepared for 2025!
08-07-2024De groepsvrijstelling van artikel 2:403 BW
03-11-2023Well prepared for 2024!
30-11-2022Tax trends and developments for MNEs
03-11-2022Goed voorbereid op 2023
04-02-2022Uitspraak massaal bezwaarprocedures box 3
21-09-2021Prinsjesdag: Belastingpakket 2022
02-09-2021Mogelijke versobering of afschaffing BOR
02-07-2021Hoge Raad oordeelt opnieuw over box 3
23-06-2020Dutch UBO-register bill approved by Senate
24-04-2020Uitbreiding fiscale steunmaatregelen
17-12-2019Loyens & Loeff appoints 9 new partners
08-10-2019Implementation of the Dutch UBO-register
07-10-2019Nadere invulling Nederlands UBO-register
10-04-2018Clarification of the Dutch UBO-definition
Rick van der Velden
Partner - Tax Adviser
Dutch, English

Rick van der Velden, tax adviser, is a member of the Family Owned Business & Private Wealth practice group in our Rotterdam office.
Rick focuses on mergers & divisions, UBO-register and family owned businesses. Rick specialises in the advising of Dutch and family-owned businesses, including their shareholders, on Dutch corporate income tax and personal income tax matters. Rick has a broad experience in the tax aspects of mergers and divisions, financing between affiliated parties and the UBO-register. He regularly publishes on these topics.
Rick is a member of the Dutch Association for Tax advisers (NOB) since 2009 and as of 2018 he also teaches within this Association.