Luxembourg ELTIF 2.0 - perspectives 2024
Will 2024 be the year of ELTIF? Our experts will address this question in a webinar on Thursday 1 February 2024 at 4:00pm (CEST) / 10am (EDT).
This event has already taken place.
During this webinar, our specialists will address specific points of attention related to the updated regime of the European Long Term Investment Fund (ELTIF) regime, which applies as from 10 January 2024.
The discussion will focus on the following key topics, taking into account recent changes and practical market experience:
- ELTIF 2.0 & UCI Part II UCIs: Luxembourg as a Pan-European retailisation hub for private funds?
- The ESMA ELTIF 2.0 Draft RTS – Impact on open - and closed-ended ELTIFs.
What do the Proposed ELTIF 2.0 RTS mean for (open-ended) ELTIFs?
Since ESMA published its Consultation Paper in May 2023, in particular, the redemption policy, minimum holding period and mandatory liquidity management tools (“LMTs”) of European long-term investment funds (“ELTIFs”) have been points of discussion. This contribution sheds some light on the proposed LMTs in the context of AIFMD 2 that may still be reconsidered by the European Commission and offers some insights as to its impact on (open-ended) ELTIFs, if adopted in current form.
ELTIF 2.0 now applicable! What does it mean in practice?
The European Parliament voted on 15 February 2023 in favour of a major update to the EU’s regulation for long-term investment funds (ELTIFs), also known as ELTIF 2.0, applies as from 10 January 2024. ELTIF 2.0 forms part of the EU’s wider Capital Markets Union (CMU) initiative that aims to develop the EU’s capital markets.