Budget Day 2024
Budget Day 2024
Budget Day puts forward new and revised tax packages. Would you like to know how these fiscal rules in the Netherlands will impact you, your clients or your business in 2025?

How we can help

Our tax compliance services include:

  • determining your tax position and provisions for your financial statements;
  • preparing and submitting corporate income tax returns and dividend withholding tax returns;
  • reviewing tax assessments;
  • initiating objections and litigation procedures;
  • aligning tax compliance and transfer pricing documentation;
  • financial and tax modelling;
  • carrying out tax due diligence and supporting you if you are audited by the tax authorities.
Min­imise the risk of dis­putes

Our Tax Compliance team has direct access to our Tax Litigation team to test reporting positions and exposures, as well as to initiate litigation, if needed. This ensures that the risk of disputes with the tax authorities can be minimised and provides stability in your tax accounting.

In­te­gra­tion with tax ad­vi­so­ry and trans­fer pric­ing

Our tax compliance work is fully integrated with our tax advisory and transfer pricing work, helping us to produce accurate tax returns. We keep up to date with developments such as legislative or policy changes and are ideally positioned to signal opportunities and red flags.

Almost always, we assist our clients with full-service tax advice and tax compliance with our dedicated and specialist in-house IM tax compliance experts. Particularly in the investment management industry, where the tax and legal advice, in combination with transfer pricing, should be seamlessly integrated in the tax returns.

Based on the Mandatory Disclosure rules, also known as DAC6, taxpayers need to report certain cross-border arrangements (RCBAs) to the Dutch tax authorities.
We offer integrated services, in collaboration with both our attorneys-at-law and civil-law notaries.
Tax authorities are becoming more determined in their approach to tax disputes.
Today, transfer pricing is one of the main tax issues faced by groups. Whether your business is a high-growth start-up or an established multinational, you need to comply with transfer pricing rules.