Budget Day 2024
Budget Day 2024
Budget Day puts forward new and revised tax packages. Would you like to know how these fiscal rules in the Netherlands will impact you, your clients or your business in 2025?

How we can help

In-depth ex­per­tise

Our advisers are fully dedicated to their field of expertise, allowing them to gain an unparalleled level of knowledge and experience concerning indirect tax-related matters. Our team covers the following areas of expertise:

  • Corporate VAT: both general and specific issues
  • Real Estate: from property development and transformations to financing, and in- and divesting
  • Fund & Transaction Structuring: all VAT aspects of private equity and M&A
  • International Trade: from support with export controls and supply chain optimisation to advice on minimising customs duties
  • Compliance: assistance with filing tax returns
Mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary and in­te­grat­ed

To provide you with sound and integrated solutions, our Indirect Tax experts work in close collaboration with our tax and legal specialists (on corporate income tax, transfer pricing, real estate, banking & finance, corporate, M&A, food law, competition & regulatory). When solving an issue, they look at it from different angles and understand the challenges in your industry, which enables them to provide you with proactive and smart solutions.

This is a selection of the services we offer you:

  • Advice & optimisation
  • Quick scan
  • Due diligence
  • Obtaining advance certainty with the Tax Authority
  • Tax controversy & litigation
  • Opinions
  • Second opinions
  • Tax compliance
The field of customs and international trade poses significant challenges for many industries.
With an integrated approach that sets us apart in the market, we offer our clients a unique combination of legal, tax and regulatory advice.
Rapid transformation in the Life Sciences & Healthcare industry requires organisations to strike a balance between market potential, policy compliance and patient demands with continued innovation.
With integrated knowledge, tailored to our clients’ needs, our dedicated team will ensure a successful outcome of any type of real estate project.
How do you structure your investment vehicle and your acquisition when legislation is ever-changing, nationally and internationally?
We offer integrated services, in collaboration with both our attorneys-at-law and civil-law notaries.
Tax compliance is about more than submitting an accurate tax return on time.
Tax authorities are becoming more determined in their approach to tax disputes.

What others say

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Tier-1 ranking: In the category Indirect Tax 2023 we received a tier-1 ranking in the Netherlands.
International Tax Review (2023)
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Tier-1 ranking: In the category Indirect Tax 2023 we received a tier-1 ranking in the Netherlands.
International Tax Review (2023)
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