A smart busi­ness strat­e­gy

Latin-American organisations enjoy many advantages when doing business through Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg (the Benelux), or Switzerland, ranging from a competitive tax climate and favourable fund regimes to special (tax) incentives, a lower compliance and administrative burden and more. Loyens & Loeff will help you take full advantage of favourable legal structures designed to protect your foreign investments.

Cross-At­lantic trans­ac­tions

Our Latin-American clients benefit from our in-depth network and expertise within the Benelux, while our specialised knowledge of local Latin-American markets and its legal systems has enabled us to support clients seeking to invest in that region as well. Our local insight combined with our global perspective makes us your ideal partner for success as a cross-Atlantic investor.

Com­pre­hen­sive tax and le­gal ad­vice

To offer you the best solutions possible, our team includes specialists who can advise you on any topics related to your international business plans. From international tax law, M&A, banking and finance, investment management, litigation, regulatory law, and employment law, you can trust in us to coordinate your cross-border projects into and out of Latin America.

Strong Latin Amer­i­can net­work

Outside our home markets we focus on building long-lasting relationships with outstanding law firms and tax advisers in the region, in order to provide our clients with state-of-the-art worldwide advice. Our team travels to the region on a frequent basis to visit clients and befriended firms, and attend regional congresses and seminars.