ESG Horizons: Navigating the Current Landscape and Shaping the Future
On Tuesday 10 October 2023 we hosted: “ESG Horizons: Navigating the Current Landscape and Shaping the Future”. This year a similar event will take place on Tuesday 15 October 2024. This page will be updated with further details about the event as soon as the programme is confirmed.
This event has already taken place
Would you like to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current and future landscape and developments in various aspects of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)?
As a legal and tax industry leader, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve and adapting to a dynamic regulatory environment. This conference will bring together industry professionals, thought leaders and legal and tax experts to shed light on the multifaceted aspects of ESG.
We are delighted that Charlotte Manson will be our key note speaker. Charlotte is Head of Sustainable and Transition Solutions for the Nordics and the Netherlands at BlackRock. She will discuss how to mitigate risks and capture opportunities associated with climate and the transition to a low-carbon economy. Charlotte will cover how BlackRock applies its investment approach to sustainability and how BlackRock assesses the low-carbon transition’s likely path.
The conference runs through the morning with a networking lunch and the afternoon with networking drinks. You are welcome to attend the whole day, half day or individual sessions.
ESG aspects relevant to various industries will be discussed by Loyens & Loeff experts together with business leaders from these industries, presenting insights from both perspectives.
The aim of the conference is to have an open and lively dialogue under the Chatham House Rule. This means you are free to use information from the discussion, but that you will not reveal the identity or affiliation of the speaker(s) or any other participant.
Tuesday 10 October 2023
Live conference 09:30 - 17:00 CET
Online registration 10:00 - 16:15 CET