She is specialised in VAT and is part of the Indirect Tax practice group since June 2016. Marianne is involved in advising clients regarding the Dutch VAT compliance obligations. She regularly prepares VAT returns, EC sales listings and Intrastat declarations.

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Master Tax Law, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2022
Tax Law and Economics, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2016

Marianne de Graaf

Senior Associate - Tax compliance adviser


Dutch, English

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<p>Marianne de Graaf, Senior Tax (Compliance) Adviser, is a member of the Indirect Tax practice group. She focuses on VAT compliance.</p>

She is specialised in VAT and is part of the Indirect Tax practice group since June 2016. Marianne is involved in advising clients regarding the Dutch VAT compliance obligations. She regularly prepares VAT returns, EC sales listings and Intrastat declarations.