The rankings revolve around independent research on both feedback from peers and clients, as well as on information about projects and transactions we are proud to advise our clients on.

We congratulate our colleagues in the practice areas in which we reaffirm our Tier 1 position, and we are delighted by the outstanding number of our experts that have been ranked by the directory.

The Netherlands: Tier 1

  • Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation
  • Energy: Regulatory
  • Industry focus: Food
  • Industry focus: Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Industry focus: Retail
  • Investment Funds
  • Private Equity
  • Real Estate
  • Restructuring and Insolvency
  • Tax
Individual rankings in The Netherlands
Discover our individual rankings for The Netherlands here.

Belgium: Tier 1

  • Dispute Resolution
  • Industry focus: Energy
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Tax
Individual rankings in Belgium
Discover our individual rankings for Belgium here.

Luxembourg: Tier 1

  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Commercial, Corporate and M&A
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Investment Funds
  • Private Equity
  • Tax
  • FinTech 
Individual rankings in Luxembourg
Discover our individual rankings for Luxembourg here.


  • Tier 2: Tax
  • Tier 3: Commercial, Corporate / M&A
  • Tier 4: Banking & Finance
  • Tier 4: Dispute Resolution: Litigation
  • Tier 4: Private Client
Individual rankings in Switzerland
Discover our individual rankings for Switzerland here.

Other excellent achievements this year:

  • Private Equity in the Netherlands has been ranked for the first time as Tier 1.
  • FinTech in Luxembourg has been ranked for the first time as Tier 1.
  • EU Regulatory: Financial Service in Belgium has been ranked for the first time as Tier 2.
  • Insolvency & Restructuring in Belgium has been ranked for the first time as Tier 2.
  • FinTech in the Netherlands has been ranked for the first time as Tier 3.
  • Employment in Luxembourg has been ranked for the first time as Tier 3.
  • Industry Focus: IT & Telecoms has been ranked for the first time as Tier 4.
  • Private Client in Switzerland has been ranked for the first time as Tier 4.

We would like to thank our clients for their loyalty and trust, and compliment our colleagues on their notable performance and commitment each year. We are dedicated to continue providing our clients with the best services.