The EU Tax Law Group is a network of independent EU tax lawyers specialized in EU tax law. Members of the group are: Altitude Avocats, Joseph Hage Aaronson, Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Jones Day, Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira, LeitnerLeitner, Maisto e Associati, Kromann Reumert and Loyens & Loeff.

Limited seats available.

To reserve your free seat please register.


 15:30 - 16.00 | Registration

 16.00 - 16.05 | Opening – Dr Klaus Sieker (Flick Gocke Schaumburg)

 16:05 - 17:00 | Some light on the Unshell Directive (ATAD3)

  • Andres Sanchez (Cuatrecasas Spain)
  • Arne Mollin Ottosen (Kromann Reumert)
  • Cesare Silvani (Maisto e Associati)

17:00 - 18:00 | Recent developments

  • DAC6 and legal professional privilege
    Pedro Vidal Matos (Cuatrecasas Portugal)
  • PRA Group Europe: Interest deduction limitation rules
    Dr Gebhard Furherr (LeitnerLeitner)
  • General Court: CFC state aid case against the UK (T-363/19)
    Dr Simon Whitehead (Joseph Hage Aaronson)

18:00 - 19.00 | Drinks

Programme IFA 2022
Programme IFA 2022
Please view the full programme of the seminar "The Unshell Directive (ATAD3) and recent developments in EU Tax Law" here.
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