
This training is directed at anyone interested in obtaining insights on securitisation as a complex structured financing process, in particular credit fund managers, service providers and lenders.


Experts in Securitisation and Tax will share their experience and answer your questions during the session. 

This training has been developed and will be delivered by our Senior Associate Tom Hamen and Counsel Natalja Taillefer.


  • What is securitisation?
  • EU Securitisation Regulation and Luxembourg Securitisation Law
  • Main characteristics of securitisation
  • Typical securitisation structures
  • Securitisable assets and their management
  • Financing of the acquisition of the securitised risks
  • Regulatory aspects of securitisation
  • Reporting obligations
  • AIFMD- SSPE exemption
  • Main tax aspects of securitisation transactions

Participation certificate

A participation certificate will be issued after the training session.


2 hours followed by a networking opportunity with snacks and drinks. 

Practical information and cancellation policy

Please read carefully our practical information and cancellation policy here.

More information

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