Valentijn is specialised in public law. He has considerable experience in public-private partnerships (PPPs), Belgian and EU public procurement law, infrastructure projects, FIDIC contracts, regulated sectors and grants. His clients include works contractors, investors, pharmaceuticals, IT service providers, contracting authorities and banks in Belgium and across Europe.

Valentijn is ranked in his field of expertise by Chambers & Partners Europe. He is a regular speaker at conferences on public law and PPPs and has written various articles on public procurement and PPPs.


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Brussels Bar, 2005
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Master in law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium,) 2004
Master of arts in EU law, College of Europe (Belgium)
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J. Vuylsteke, A. Van den Bussche and V. De Boe, "Challenging Tender Decisions Before the EU Courts" (2023) 32 P.P.L.R., Issue 5 272 - 306.
A. Krasniqi en V. De Boe, “Les prix anormalement bas au regard des aides d'État : un nouvel angle d'attaque ?” (noot onder Rb. Brussel (Fr.) 8 mei 2018), rolnr. A/17/1957, T.Aann. 2019/4, 397.
A. De Backer en V. De Boe, “Smart contracts in de financiële sector: grote verwachtingen en regulatoire uitdagingen”, Computerr. 2017, afl. 252.
V. De Boe, “Cross-border joint procurement: Great expectations”, in Transnational Law of Public Contracts, Bruylant, 2016, p. 205-227.
V. De Boe and E. Theyskens, “International Financing Institutions' compliance with Human Rights Law”, in The Increasing Impact of Human Rights Law on the Financial World, Anthemis, Intersentia, 2016.
Unlocking Book 6: How companies can adapt to the new rules on extra-contractual liability
14:00 - 17:00 CEST
Unlocking Book 6: How companies can adapt to the new rules on extra-contractual liability
Together with The Institute of Company lawyers (IBJ-IJE) in Belgium, we are organising a seminar on Book 6 of the new civil Code that we will host in our offices in Brussels on 24 October 2024.

What others say

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Legal 500 highlights that Valentijn is to be considered a key contact for public-private partnership and administrative law issues. He is ranked for Public Law by Chambers and Partners, with a client saying: "Valentijn De Boe is our trusted adviser and, due to his pragmatic approach, knowledge of the industry and great legal knowledge, is our go-to person for assistance in Belgium.“
Chambers & Partners - Europe (2022)
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A client describes him as "the most committed attorney I have had the pleasure to work with," adding that "without his contributions, our commercial success would not have been possible."
Chambers & Partners - Europe (2021)
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Valentijn De Boe

Partner - Attorney at Law


Dutch, English, French

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<p>Valentijn De Boe, attorney-at-law, is a local partner of the Energy & Infrastructure practice group in our office in Belgium.</p>

Valentijn is specialised in public law. He has considerable experience in public-private partnerships (PPPs), Belgian and EU public procurement law, infrastructure projects, FIDIC contracts, regulated sectors and grants. His clients include works contractors, investors, pharmaceuticals, IT service providers, contracting authorities and banks in Belgium and across Europe.

Valentijn is ranked in his field of expertise by Chambers & Partners Europe. He is a regular speaker at conferences on public law and PPPs and has written various articles on public procurement and PPPs.