Arnold advises Dutch and foreign multinationals on, among others, Dutch (corporate) tax issues in (inter)national structuring and restructuring. As a member of the Region Team Germany and German native speaker Arnold also focuses on German speaking clients investing in or via the Netherlands.

Arnold is a contributor to Wolters Kluwer (NL) and Verlag C.H.BECK (GER).

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Associate member of Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB)
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LL.M., Tax law, Tilburg University, the Netherlands (with distinction)
'Civiel effect' statement, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Arnold Hupka

Associate - Tax Adviser


Dutch, German, English, Polish

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Arnold Hupka is a tax adviser in Loyens & Loeff’s Corporate Tax Services practice group and specialised in Dutch corporate tax matters.

Arnold advises Dutch and foreign multinationals on, among others, Dutch (corporate) tax issues in (inter)national structuring and restructuring. As a member of the Region Team Germany and German native speaker Arnold also focuses on German speaking clients investing in or via the Netherlands.

Arnold is a contributor to Wolters Kluwer (NL) and Verlag C.H.BECK (GER).