It also highlights the main legislative changes that have been announced in these countries for 2020, and offers insights into major EU and other international developments. We focus on developments and changes that could have an impact on international businesses.

Many MNEs are changing their structures to comply with the new international standards by aligning their legal and business structures, improving their transfer pricing documentation and preparing for full transparency of their tax position. Sometimes this leads to the concentration of existing functions and activities in a single entity. Often this then also leads to an overall increase of operational activities in our home market countries as a whole. We gladly assist you with these new activities as well.

MNEs give also priority to: control over mandatory disclosure reporting, practical solutions to reduce double taxation due to transfer pricing corrections, unexpected application of multiple anti-abuse rules, more withholding taxes and new interest deduction limitations. Our tax specialists have broad experience with these challenges.

If you would like to find out more, or should you have any questions after reading this edition of the bulletin, please feel free to get in touch with your trusted adviser at Loyens & Loeff or send an email to